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What does dimmable light mean?

LEDs are known for their low brightness and high brightness. The difference between the brightness and the expected performance of the traditional tungsten filament bulb is more than 60%. The production of dimmable light can adjust the brightness of the light according to customer requirements, thereby affecting the brightness of the indoor light, setting off a different indoor environment, and saving energy and reducing carbon emissions.

Dimmable, that is, able to adjust the brightness of the light according to customer requirements, thereby affecting the brightness of the indoor light and setting off different indoor environment changes. Incandescent lamps and metal halide lamps are widely used in the field of dimming, but energy consumption must be continuously promoted. LED dimming has overcome the obstacles of dimming technology and began to show development trends. LED dimming and LED infrared smart lamps Together, LED sound and light control are collectively referred to as LED intelligent series. Today, the price competition of ordinary LED lamps is becoming increasingly fierce. LED intelligent has become the development direction of large LED lighting companies.
LED dimming is divided into thyristor dimming and remote control. However, considering that the signal information of the remote control technology is complex and it is not easy to control the brightness, the current market is still occupying the market with thyristor dimming technology.
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