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Economical Smart LED from LOHAS
with Multiple Functions

LOHAS has a variety of connected bulbs designed to do more than just light up the living room, with their competitive and reasonable price outrun other types on the market. Among them, LOHAS LED Smart Bulb, A19 60W WIFI RGB+ shows its talent.

Aside from providing 810 lumens of brightness, the LED smart bulb is designed to extend the range of your home's color, with a built-in RGB adjuster that promises to provide you a wide range of color choices, 16 million colors with cool to warm white. Just pop the bulb in and pair it with your network using the Tuya app on your Android or iOS device, and it'll begin working its Wi-Fi magic, even when the bulb is switched off.

Setting the extra functionality aside, LOHAS LEDs are dimmable through the Tuya app. What more, the smart bulb works with Amazon Alexa. It can help you save time and it is convenient to your life through voice control.

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