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Remote control:lighting your home before coming back

How would it be if you can use your smartphone to control the bulbs in your home?

Here are the points:
- Not afraid of going home late
- Threaten the suspected person around your home
- A warm sweet home welcome you

In modern life, increasing numbers of people choose to live alone, pursuing freedom and independence. Maybe you are the one who enjoys yourself in your comfortable sweet home alone.

However, will you feel a little scared when you come from work or a night party and see your DARK HOUSE in the evening? -- Silent, empty, cold...
Or, will you afraid of the cold dark home and security problems?

Just light your home up by using your smartphone before you come back home!! Lohas LED smart bulb provides you a safe, warm home.

Control the Wi-Fi LED Light no matter where you are.
Turn it on/off without leaving your bed or before going back home.
Control the light on at night and let the light off during the day when you're away from your house on vacation or you are gone overnight which improve home security and save energy.

The world outside is colorful and wonderful, and so can your home by using our Lohas LED smart bulbs!
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