The prospect of solar LED Light
Since solar energy has been discovered, solar energy is well known for its clean and renewable resources. With nowadays in-depth research and advanced technology, it is no doubt that solar energy will account for a quite proportion of electricity generation in the near future. AS such a context, Not only A great transformation of the lighting industry to solar powered led light is also undergoing.
Solar energy: world’s battery pack
Among energy sources, solar energy has become an alternative energy source for mankind in the future due to its clean and renewable features. The reason is the urgent traditional energy storage capacity and the rising price of conventional energy. It is difficult for power plants to use traditional energy to keep up with people's rising needs for heating, cooling, lighting, mobility, and other energy services. International energy agency (IEA) has published its report—world energy outlook 2019. IEA analyzed global electricity demand grows at 2.1% per year to 2040, twice the rate of primary energy demand, as the statistic is shown in figure 1. Electricity's share in total energy consumption raises from 19% in 2018 to 24% in 2040. The disproportionate generation of electricity not only occurs in advanced regions but also in developing countries and remote areas.

The embarrassment that power generation can not keep up with the demand and the ensuing environmental issues continue to remind people of the necessity of developing clean energy. In this context, solar energy not only solves the urgent need for energy but also be harmless to the environment.
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Solar power shapes the future lighting industry: solar light bulbs
The advantage of solar energy
As we all know, solar power is clean and renewable energy. We refer to the process of transferring the light into electricity as the Photovoltaic effect. The photovoltaic effect—the light entering in the junction of two semiconductors generates the electricity—does not wreak havoc on the earth’s environment by comparison with other conventional energy. As shown in the 2000-2040 installed power generation capacity (figure 2), solar energy will account for a large portion of the power generation. Sunlight, available anyplace on the earth, explains the prospect of solar-powered light bulbs.
Figure 2 2000-2040 Installed power generation capacity

The eye-catching solar-powered LED light in the future lighting industry
Solar power LED light is a semiconductor light source that emits light when the current produced by the solar battery pack flows through it.
LED light powered by clean energy solar energy has the following advantages:
1) High brightness and low power consumption: a 2W LED lamp is equivalent to the lighting effect of a 15W ordinary incandescent bulb; its luminous efficiency can reach 80-90%.
2) Long life expectancy: LED lights can reach up to 100,000 hours.
3) Environmental protection and energy saving: powered by solar cells, the light can illuminate public areas like lawns, landscape facilities, trails, parking lots, corridors, and etc.
4) Safety without radiation: the light contains no mercury harmful substance.
5) Anti-vibration and shock resistance: LED is a semiconductor component. Compared with incandescent lamps and electronic energy-saving lamps, LEDs have no sensitive parts such as vacuum devices and high-voltage trigger circuits, which is a low faulty rate and free maintenance.
The wide application of solar light
In the lighting system, the design concept of light has shifted from providing illumination in power plants to the solar light bulb to provide light for indoors and public places. The available solar lights extent to solar night lights, solar flagpole lights, solar flood lights, solar street lights, solar spotlights, solar safety lights, solar flashlights, solar garden lights, and so on.
The prospect of solar LED lights
Yogi Berra, a baseball player, once said: "It is difficult to make predictions, especially for the future." But the same is not true of the bright future of LED lights.
(1) Energy-saving feature: The luminous efficiency of LED light-emitting semiconductors has reached 2001m/w, and the energy-saving efficiency can reach more than 70%.
(2) Integrated light system: Because individual LEDs cannot meet the low-light integration requirements of the specific lighting environment, the combined use of LED light is the main design trend for LED lighting optical engineering.
(3) Intelligent design: with the thorough subversion of traditional light, lighting methods such as remote control and optical dimming have been widely embarrassed, which is another new trend of the intelligent led light.
(4) safety-oriented led lights: LEDs are usually driven by a constant steady current without flicker, providing a pleasing foundation to create an environment and meet people's physiological and psychological deep-level needs for light.
(5) Artistic light source: LED has the characteristics of solid color. The rich color combination satisfies the need for and different color selection by controlling the color gradation.
(6) user-friendly manufacture: LED lighting is no longer limited to a lamp with a single outlook design. Now a unique environmental space lighting is formed through the combination of different lamps. People can illuminate the lighting effects and create different indoor lighting effects according to the overall lighting needs.
So, just as stated, LED light with solar power has become a new trend in the future lighting field. With the diversifying need for light, mufti-function also gives a brightening future to solar LED light, providing a wide option for people.
International Energy Agency (IEA), World Energy Outlook 2019;