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Lighting Ideas
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Night Light
Black Friday is here now,buy something differant!

Hey u see that man with the Halle Berry is cool,
Wow he wears the bell-bottoms which seems faddish,
Then mobile phone,the 1st generation iphone....
It seems much easier to be differant before.
But now,iphone is everywhere,and dress same seems common.
Thanks to god that we are expering a scientific and technical revolution very second,we have options for how to be ourselves.
For example,DIY your decoration at houses,such as Diy the lighting,relatively speaking,it is much more interesting then cut a hole in your pants.
1st style:Diy with lamp chips.As a vintage trend,lamp chips of every kind are available now in many led bulb stores,u can choose the color temperature,power of the chips.

2nd style:DIY with string light.String light is usually used for gardens and waterproofness is required,so always we equip the light with usb base or waterproof materials,it must feel nice at night with barbecue or celebration for Thanksgiving Day or Chiristmas.

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