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Is it safe to leave a night light on all night?

Night light bulbs are common in our home, we can feel more secure with a light on in the dark. Especially for children or adults who find it hard to sleep in completely dark rooms, night lights can relieve their fear and help them fall quickly into a restorative sleep.

But some people are still hesitate to use plug in wall lights because of security concerns.

Are plug in night lights safe?
The unique plug in night light you’ll love in 2021

Are plug in night lights safe?

Actually, night lights are generally very safe to use as long as you follow the manufacturer’s instructions and take a few sensible precautions before and during use.

Some tips for Using your night light safely
* Do not use your night light if it appears to be damaged .
* Do not attempt to alter or manipulate your night light in any way.
* Do not handle your night light with wet hands.
* Do not immerse your night light in water or any other liquid.
* Only plug your night light into a standard electrical outlet.
* Night lights are not generally watertight and are unsuitable for use in damp environments.

The unique plug in night light you’ll love in 2021

The LOHAS LED Night light emits a super-soothing atmosphere, help you get rid of the fears of darkness to have a warm and better sleep. It‘s in design with a built-in dusk to dawn light sensor, it automatically lights up when the room is dark enough and off during the daytime. The LOHAS night light features a dimmer slider switch on it to adjust the intensity of the light, so you can adjust the brightness of the light as you need from 5lm to 80lm, very user-friendly, right?

In fact, you don’t have to worry about the safety of night nights. On the contrary, with a night light in your bedroom can sometimes keep you away from danger, they can be a lifesaver in a night-time emergency situation.

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