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Night Light

Is it a good idea to have a night light in your baby's room?

All parents want to create a comfortable sleeping environment for their babies. In addition to a suitable temperature and noise-free environment, there is also a very important component---the darkness level of the room.

Should I use a plug-in night light in the baby room?

Darkness is essential, even a small amount of bright light in the evening can profoundly affects our ability to go to sleep. The hormone, melatonin, is produced in response to darkness sending a signal to our brain that it is time for us to sleep and it initiates the body's processes to prepare us for this essential activity.

But sometimes we do need night light bulbs to help us because a completely dark situation at night can cause us a lot of inconvenience. Here are 2 examples when we need a night light:
  • if you've got a really little child and you're coming in to feed them at night and you need to see where you're going so you don't bump into things.
  • when you have a child around the age of two or more who might have started to develop the emotion of fear.

Your baby's bedroom does not need to be pitch black. Use a small plug-in wall light in your baby's bedroom. It should be just enough light to see your baby by. Leave it on all night so the lighting levels remains constant.

What color night light is best for babies?

Babies and children seem to also be negatively impacted before bed by blue and white lights. That's why warmer colors are often recommended for night lights. I recommended to use dim amber or orange lights for night lights for kids. This type of lighting has the least ability to suppress melatonin.

When babies are still waking in the middle of the night, it can be helpful for parents to have a very dim night light on so that they can see where they're going in the room when responding to their baby, so that you don't have to turn on all the lights in baby's room to making it too bright and causing a lot of disruption in baby's sleep.

Tips for using baby night lights:

  • Place the light close the areas of the room that you'll need to use at night, but DON'T place the light too close to your child's sleeping area.
  • Ensure that the light is low-wattage and dim enough that it won't disturb your child's sleep.
  • DON'T use a night light that casts cool, blue-toned light, but DO use one that casts warm, red- or yellow-toned light.
  • Try a night light as your baby grows, if he suddenly develops nighttime fears or separation anxiety.

The LOHAS night light creating an idea environment for your baby

The LOHAS night light designed with a dusk to dawn light sensor, the special light sensor chip will sense the luminance in surrounding environment, turning on at night and turning off in the daytime automatically. Without bright lighting, the plug-in wall night light emits amber yellow light and stimulate the release of melatonin to improve our sleep quality. you can also adjust the brightness according to your needs, from 5lm to 80lm with a slide switch.

It's hard to go wrong with the LOHAS amber nigh light– you just plug-in and go which is ideal for any parents, but if you don't try, you'll never know it.
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