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Highlight Version Specification:Initialize process of Smart Led Bulb Using

Recently,some of my gods complained that the specification is too long and full of words,then I create this Highlight Version
Generally,the initialize process of Smart Led Bulb using can be divided into 3 step:
  1. App installution
  2. Sign in the app
  3. Wifi connection

First step:App installution

Scan the QR code and download the App Tuya Smart or directly search Tuya Smart in application market and then install.

Second step:Sign in the app
U can sign up an account with mobilephone number(with your country code in the front) and then get verification code,type in the blank and then u can successfully become a member.

Third Step:Connect the light with Wifi

Tap+at the upper right corner of the Devices interface and pick the Lighting.Power on the lamp and make sure the lamp is fast flashing.
If not,please turn off the lamp,and then switch it following the steps:On-off-on-off until it fast flashes.Switch time interval shall not exceed 10 seconds.
  1. Connect Light Bulbs only via WiFi for the 1st time,pls make sure that the light is quickly flashing,and WiFi password you input is correct.(The connection process may take several mins,pls be patient)
  2. After the first connection,you can use a new WiFi or mobile data traffic to control the light.

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