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Lohas Smart Bulb (Alexa compatible) Differs Christmas Eve
Just have a Q&A with Lohasled fans,what do u prepare for your kids’ stockinigs?
“I prepare lovely homemade fudge for thier stockings!
“Toys and game's”
The most funny one is:
“No children,I have 9cute cats so for me it's cat toys and cat beds”

Ok,we all experienced a expected time on Christmas Eve in childhood,most kids do not want to close their eyes coz curiosity drives them stay up to look at how Santa Claus put the gifts into their stockings,but not ever something gained coz Santa Claus is always father or mother.
Thanks for our parents first,but it seems that kids are smarter and smarter year by year,it is not very easy to deal with kids,they would always keep the light on,and parents might be easy to be discovered and whats more once u turn off the light you would wake up the kids, now Lohas have new ideas,parents do not need to wait for the kids to fall asleep.
First step:exchange the light in your kids bedroom with Lohasled smart bulb,initialize the led bulb with wifi and Alexa connect and then download the app and start control the light with your phone;
Second step:When night comes,pretend that all of family member fall asleep with your bedroom light off,livingroom light off and so on.
Third:Call Alexa to turn off the light in your kids bedroom,and then you can continue your Santa Claus role as usual.

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