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Succulent Seeds Sowing For Succulent Growing Beginner

Does anyone know why we try to grow succulent seeds ourselves? Is seeding better than cuttings or leaf propagation? Cuttings are more convenient to plant from a convenience standpoint. However, the way of planting seeds has more advantages! Seeds are diverse, and at the time of purchase, you will be able to discover many species that you have not seen before and will be of great breeding interest. So, here are something talking about succulent seeds sowing for the succulent growing beginner!

Where do we need to get all kinds of succulent seeds?

You can find the seeds you are interested in and plant them in major garden markets or various websites. However, you need to beware of some unscrupulous merchants. If you don't know which dealer you are, the selling price may be too high. Therefore, I recommend buying seeds from places recommended by friends and relatives.

Some basic rules for succulent plant seeds sowing:

Before how to start succulent seeds, we all need to understand some preparations so that subsequent plantings will not have any unexpected problems to solve.

Seed storage
Seeds are best stored in a dry, cool environment. Any moisture that the seed encounters can cause germination. In addition, you can make some detailed records of the germination rate, growth cycle, and transplant time of the seeds.

Fine seeds need to grow on it
Before planting, if we find that there are very fine seeds in the purchased seeds, we need to place them on the surface of the soil when sowing. This is better for their growth.

Get the fungicide ready
Be sure to sterilize the soil mix before planting or a month after planting. If the newly sprouted seedlings are kept in a humid environment for a while, it is easy to get fungus and other things that are harmful to the seedlings.

The nursery box is best covered
When we grow seeds indoors, we can use a container with a lid and use a grow light to help the seeds take root and germinate.

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